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Home Income security Mobility allowance Eligibility criteria for mobility allowance

Eligibility criteria for mobility allowance

You can receive mobility allowance if you are entitled to unemployment benefit and accept a job or related training lasting at least 2 months.

We can grant mobility allowance if the average daily commute duration of the full-time job or related training you have received is more than 3 hours. In part-time work and related training, the average duration of the commute must exceed 2 hours.

If you are applying for mobility allowance for training, the training must be specifically related to getting a specific job. Subsidies are not awarded for general training providing vocational skills.

We can also grant you mobility allowance if you relocate from a similar distance due to work or related education. The employment contract must be concluded before the move.

Duration of commute

A key condition for granting mobility allowance is the duration of the commute.

In full-time employment or related training, the average daily round trip must be at least 3 hours. In part-time employment or related training, the average daily round trip must be at least 2 hours.

The duration of a business or training trip is the time it takes to travel to the place work or training from your home using the most direct route. The journey is assumed to take place along public transport routes under normal weather and other conditions.

Calculate your travel time based on the fastest means of transport available. You are not expected to buy a car, but if you are commuting by your car, measure your travel time accordingly. If you use public transport, you can also take into account changing means of transport and waiting times in travel time.

We can pay an increased mobility allowance if the workplace or related training is located more than 200 kilometres from your place of residence. The distance is the actual kilometres travelled.

Moving close to the workplace

Because the purpose of mobility allowance is to encourage people to accept work, the allowance will not be interrupted even if the travel time is shortened during the employment relationship. Therefore, mobility allowance also acts as a relocation allowance; We can pay mobility allowance even if you move closer to the workplace after accepting the job.

In order for the relocation to be considered to be due to work, the employment contract must be concluded before the relocation.

Mobility allowance and expatriation

The location of your place of work in Finland or in another country is irrelevant for entitlement to the allowance. If you live in Finland and work in another country, we will estimate the commuting time between your place of residence in Finland and your place of work abroad.

If you go abroad to look for work on income support and take up a job, you may be entitled to a mobility allowance. We estimate the commuting time between your place of residence and your place of work in the country of employment.