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Home Voice your strengths – A new membership benefit for you!

Voice your strengths – A new membership benefit for you!

As a member, you can now take advantage of our service and learn new ways to express your strengths. Through OmaYTK you can now take a personality assessment. The assessment will help you to increase your self-awareness and describe yourself and your work personality more accurately in different situations.

Work Personality Assessment to help

When you log in to OmaYTK, you will find a link from the homepage to the personality assessment. Follow the link and answer the questionnaire. Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a comprehensive feedback report by email. Take your time to read it, as it is a useful tool to support your self-development and your own career choices.

We wish you a rewarding time with your strengths!

This is what it’s all about

The personality assessment will identify your work personality and natural tendencies, as well as your preferred ways of working in the workplace. The assessment measures soft skills such as interaction style, mindset, motivation and cultural fit. The assessment provides reliable information about your strengths, as well as your working style and motivational factors.

The assessment will ask you to answer a series of statements related to your working style and motivational factors, depending on how well they describe you. It is worth noting that there is no one correct outcome to the assessment.

We hope that the assessment will increase your self-understanding and help you to identify and understand your own strengths and areas for development, and support your career development.

Get a comprehensive report on your strengths

Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a personal feedback report. The feedback report is a useful tool to support your self-development and career choices. You will find tips and new perspectives on how to articulate your strengths in different job search situations.

The service is provided by Clevry, a partner chosen by the YTK Unemployment Fund. The purpose of the assessment platform developed by Clevry is to help jobseekers find a job that matches their strengths.

Tips for taking the personality assessment

A personality assessment is not a “test” in the traditional sense. There are no right or wrong answers. There are only people’s inherent tendencies and strengths, and they fit together in different ways in different organisations and jobs. The best thing is to be yourself and answer honestly based on your own work personality.

Reserve enough time

The survey is not timed. However, please allow enough time and a quiet place to complete the assessment.

Read the questions carefully

Read the instructions and questions carefully before answering. When you start filling in the assessment, don’t spend too much time thinking about your answers, because often the first answer that comes to mind is the right one.

Keep the working context in mind when replying

It is important to be honest in your answers and to answer based on how you operate in the work environment. So don’t answer based on how you act outside of work. For example, you may be very social and talkative at home and with friends, but if you do not behave in the same way at work, it is important to bring this side of yourself out in your answers.

Be honest

The assessment platform is built in such a way that it is difficult to manipulate the results in the direction you want. It’s also pointless, because it’s always in both your and the employer’s interest that you are employed in the company and job where you can make the best use of your strengths. So it pays to be honest when you answer the questionnaire.

Do this

  1. Choose a quiet place and time
  2. Make sure you have about 15-20 minutes
  3. Log in to OmaYTK
  4. Go to the front page for the news on personality assessment and follow the link in the article
  5. Take the personality assessment
  6. You will receive the results of the assessment in your email in about 15 minutes (remember to check your spam)

Please also take a look at the other job search content on the YTK Worklife website: