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Newsletter 28 August 2024

Let’s make the hard work of job search visible together 

“Thank you for your application, this time you were not selected.” 

“Dear jobseeker, unfortunately you were not selected.” 

Heavy words that many people come across after all the hard work it took to apply for a job. 

Looking for a job is the daily work of hundreds of thousands of Finns. But this demanding work often goes unnoticed. We believe it deserves to be appreciated and recognised. That’s why we have launched a campaign called #kovaatyötä to highlight the efforts of jobseekers. 

With this campaign, we want to give jobseekers a more humane ground to be brave enough to be unemployed. At the same time, we want to offer concrete help in finding a job.

The staggering of the daily allowance starts

From the beginning of September, we will apply the new article of the Unemployment Insurance Act concerning the reduced daily allowance. However, not all daily allowance claimants will be affected immediately.

The working condition changes

The working condition will change from the beginning of September. In the future, only the amount of salary will affect the accumulation of the working condition, while the length of the working condition will increase from 6 to 12 months.

Identify your strengths and succeed in your job search 

What kind of work is right for me? What motivates me at work? What are my strengths and how can they help me stand out from other jobseekers? To help you think about these questions, among others, you can take a personality assessment, which we now offer free of charge to all members of the YTK Unemployment Fund. 

The personality assessment is a useful tool to support your self-development and career choices. It is a tool developed by experts in organisational psychology and used, for example, by recruitment professionals.  

What can I say to you, jobseeker? 

Helping people to find a job is often complex, not only at a societal level but also at an individual level. Every jobseeker’s situation is different and their needs vary. How do our different services reach different jobseekers? If one person is enthusiastic about tools, another may just need empathy. A third just wants the concrete, i.e. the job advertisements. 

Listening is often better than saying. That’s where each of us can help the jobseeker. Read more about the challenges of job search wording in our blog! 

News for YTK Worklife members! 

A unique, new member benefit for students: the YTK Tutor online training to help you complete your final project 

YTK Worklife’s wide range of membership benefits is expanding with the new and unique YTK Tutor online training for students. Tutor has been created in partnership with writing and psychology experts and students to meet the needs and wishes of thesis and dissertation writers to make it easier to complete their final projects.

Already a member of YTK Worklife? Take advantage of the great benefits! 

With a YTK Unemployment Fund membership and a YTK Worklife membership in your back pocket, you’ll get a lot of nice things to keep you safe in your working life and enjoy your free time. For just 24 € a year, you get the top benefits. 

Start by checking out these, for example: 

See all YTK Worklife member benefits and make sure you get the best out of it!