If you have already paid your membership fee, the letter of termination sent to you by post will not apply to you!

- Membership
Delayed mailing
At the beginning of June, we terminated the membership of our members who had not paid their membership fee.
On Tuesday 4.6. we issued the termination notices and the notices were to be sent by post on the same day. However, due to a system error, the termination decisions did not reach you on schedule. We corrected the error and posted the decisions on Tuesday 11.6.
Due to the delayed mailing, you may have already paid your membership fee and your membership is in order, but you still receive the termination decision in the mail. If you have already paid your membership fee, you can ignore the decision.
Do this
- If you have already paid your membership fee, you can disregard the late termination decision. You do not need to contact us separately.
- If you have not paid your membership fee, pay the due membership fee by 18.7. This will keep your membership valid and your income protection will not be interrupted. Even in this case, you do not need to contact us separately.
- If you want to check the status of your membership, log in to OmaYTK. There you will see up-to-date information on your membership fee.