New services to support your employment

- Job seeking
- Law change
- Unemployment
In addition to income support, we can now also help you in searching for a job. You can find our first job search services in the workspace, which you can access via OmaYTK.
Several hundred job searching members have already used our new service.
You can choose the services that suit you the best, or go step by step:
- Identify your skills and strengths
- Get to know your work personality
- Check your CV
- Brighten up your application
- Find support for job search stress
- Update your skills
It is also worth organising your job search to make it a regular activity. Our timetable for job search might help you with this, and you can take a few examples!
The tools in our service are familiar from the YTK Worklife, where the first versions of the tools were tested. With good feedback, we made new versions of the tools available to all members.
The development work continues and we are constantly expanding our range of services. For example, we will next publish more coaching content for all stages of the job search. Next year, we also plan to use artificial intelligence to support your job search. Read more!