Send us messages, daily allowance applications and attachments, check your payment details, update your contact details and check your membership fee information.
In general, we do not need many separate attachments to the application. If we need something, we ask for it.
When you apply for unemployment benefit in OmaYTK, please fill in the application carefully. The electronic application will ask you for all the necessary information and will guide you if you need to add any attachments.
There are a few mandatory fields that you must fill in before you can submit your application. However, you can always send the application without attachments. This feature is useful if, for example, you do not have the required attachment immediately available.
Salary information
When you apply for daily allowance, we need information about the wages you have been paid. We can get this information from the Incomes Register, where your employer has entered your pay slips. So we do not usually need a separate payslip. When filling in the application, you can use the OmaYTK service to retrieve the salary data for the application from the Incomes Register.
If the employer has reported only one total amount of salary to the Incomes Register, we will need additional information. When you submit your application in OmaYTK, you can conveniently add the necessary information to the application. The more carefully you enter the information, the faster we will be able to process your application.
If you have worked part-time and are applying for salary information from the Incomes Register, the application will include the salaries for which the payment date falls within the period of the application. This is entirely correct, as earnings from part-time work are taken into account according to the date of payment.
If your employer has not yet had time to enter the salary data in the Incomes Register, you can also enter the salary data yourself. Add the employer and the missing income information. All the different types of income in the Incomes Register can be found in the quick and drop-down menus. Use the amount of the salary before deduction of taxes and other contributions as the payroll amount, the so-called gross amount.
When you send us your application, you can rest assured. We’ll take care of it. If we need more information , we will contact you or the payroll department directly.
Declare your work
Despite the Incomes Register, you must declare the work you have done and the wages you have earned.
Although we receive income information from the Incomes Register, the Incomes Register is not a substitute for reporting work done, as we do not automatically check the Incomes Register if we have not received information from you about your work.
If you fail to declare your work in the knowledge that we will get the information from the Incomes Register anyway, you may be in for a unpleasant surprise. If we have not received information from you about your work, we may pay you the full amount of the daily allowance. If it later turns out that your earnings-related daily allowance should have taken into account your income from work, we will have to recover any overpayment of daily allowance.
So always remember to carefully declare all your work and income in your application.
What attachments are required?
We’ve improved the way you apply for daily allowance so that you don’t have to add many attachments to your application. We think this is the easiest way for you.
We get most of the information we need from what you put in your application. We also get a lot of information from different registers.
Depending on the situation, OmaYTK will ask you to attach to your application, for example
employment contract
a notice of termination, or
a notice of lay-off
Missing attachments do not prevent the application from being sent or processed. If, during the processing of your application, we consider that a missing attachment is required, we will request it separately.
A tax card may not be required either. We will receive information from the tax authorities on the withholding rate. However, when you apply for earnings-related daily allowance, you can amend your tax card to take account of earnings-related daily allowance. You can make the change at the tax office. When you register with the YTK Unemployment Fund, we receive the necessary tax information electronically directly from the tax authorities.