Send us messages, daily allowance applications and attachments, check your payment details, update your contact details and check your membership fee information.
When you retire, you will no longer need the services of the unemployment fund. However, retirement does not automatically end your membership with us. So remember to send us your written notice of resignation electronically.
We often receive thank-yous for the years you’ve spent with us through resignation letters. We welcome that and appreciate it very much!
Your pension provider will need your payment details from us to calculate your pension. We will electronically submit the payment information to the Finnish Centre for Pensions at its request. The Centre for Pensions will forward the information to your pension insurer.
Retirement is one of the few situations where membership can be terminated retroactively.
We thank you for your membership and wish you a happy and healthy retirement!
Membership age limit
According to our rules, you can join us if you are under 68 years old. Membership ends at the end of the calendar month in which you turn 68 at the latest.
We will take this age limit into account when invoicing membership fees. Your last membership fee invoice will not be for the whole year, but will be calculated at the end of the calendar month in which you turn 68. At the same time, we will also terminate your membership.
Approaching retirement age
When you are approaching retirement age, we cannot always pay you an earnings-related daily allowance.
If you were born before 1965, we can pay you an earnings-related daily allowance for unemployment or part-time work until the end of the calendar month in which you turn 65. If you were born in 1965 or later, we can pay you an earnings-related daily allowance for unemployment or part-time work up to the end of the calendar month in which you reach the lowest retirement age under the Employees’ Pension Act.
If you are prevented from working because of a lay-off, a reason equivalent to a lay-off, a weather emergency or industrial action that does not affect your terms and conditions of employment, we can pay daily allowance up to the end of the calendar month in which you reach the age of 68.
So, when you are close to retirement age, we can only pay you an earnings-related daily allowance if you are laid off.