What to do if you become unemployed

Register as a job seeker
You can start to receive earnings-related daily allowance only after you have been registered as a jobseeker. You can register via Job Market Finland E-services.
Register as a jobseeker on your first day of unemployment at the latest. You cannot register retroactively, so don’t forget to register.
Apply for earnings-related daily allowance
We always pay the daily allowance in retrospective in four-week or one-month periods. In practice, this means that you will always apply for earnings-related daily allowance retroactively, i.e. four weeks or one month will have passed since you applied. The first application period can be two weeks. Each period must be applied for separately. This means that you do not apply for unemployment benefit for the whole period of unemployment in one application.
So make your first application for unemployment benefit when two weeks have elapsed since the start of the unemployment period.
The easiest way to submit your application is in the OmaYTK online service. The OmaYTK service will guide you through the process of filling in your application and adding the required attachments. We will process your application and check that everything is in order. We will contact you if your application is missing something or if we need more information from you.
We will process your application as quickly as possible. You can see the application processing status in the payment date prediction.
If your unemployment continues, submit a follow-up application every month or according to our instructions. Make sure that you are registered as an unemployed job seeker throughout your unemployment. Always follow the instructions given by the employment authorities.
We can only pay you earnings-related daily allowance for three months retrospectively, so always make sure to submit your applications on time.
A secure and easy-to-use service for sending us your daily allowance application and attachments.
Payment date prediction
Check the payment date prediction to see when your application will be processed.
Daily allowance calculator
You can use our calculator to estimate how much daily allowance you will receive.
Focus on looking for a job
Once you have registered as a job seeker and submitted your allowance application, you can focus on what’s most important – finding a new job.
If you are a member of YTK Worklife, don’t forget to use their wide range of career and job search services.