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Public employment services help to secure the availability of skilled labour and access to work for jobseekers, as well as to promote the creation of new businesses, business conditions and the quality of working life.
The Labour Market Authority is responsible for organising employment services. As part of this work, the employment authority can organise a range of employment services for you. These services have different effects on your right to unemployment benefit and, in some cases, on the amount of earnings-related daily allowance you receive.
Not all dealings with the employment services are employment services. For example, the normal jobseeker’s service process, where you register as a jobseeker, attend an initial interview and make an employment plan, is not an employment-promoting service.
Services promoting employment refer to
job search coaching
career coaching
labour market training
self-study for jobseekers supported by unemployment benefit
trial training programme
work trial
rehabilitative work activities
Earnings-related daily allowance is paid for while you use employment promoting services
For the period of the employment services, we can pay you the earnings-related daily allowance to which you would be entitled if you were unemployed. We will therefore check all the conditions and restrictions for the payment of income support as usual.
However, we can exceptionally pay you earnings-related daily allowance for the period of the employment services even if you were not entitled to it at the start of the service, if this is due to
days of non-compensation, or suspension period
the obligation to work
a restriction related to vocational training, or
waiting period
Absence from an employment promotion service
You are not entitled to earnings-related daily allowance during job search coaching, career coaching, trials or rehabilitative work activities on days when you are not participating in the service, unless the absence is due to
incapacity for work
for a maximum of four working days at a time due to illness of a child under 10 years of age
a job interview or other comparable reason related to employment, or
a public duty
Exceptional application of the Unemployment Security Act after the start of employment services
If you have refused an offer of work before the start of the employment promotion service and the uncompensated period begins after the start of the service, we can exceptionally pay you an earnings-related daily allowance without a possible suspension.
During labour market training and self-motivated studies, you will not be subject to restrictions on the payment of earnings-related daily allowance on account of attending to full-time studies. While using the services, you are also not subject to sanctions for resigning from work or refusing to work in the case of work specifically offered by the employer.
During labour market training and self-motivated studies, we will not recalculate the salary on which your earnings-related daily allowance is based, even if you meet the employment requirement. In addition, the calculation of the maximum daily allowance period does not restart in the middle of using the service. We will only recalculate the basic salary after the use of the service has ended. At the same time, your maximum payment period will restart from the beginning. In practice, this means that your right to earnings-related daily allowance may end in the middle of such a service. In that case, you will be transferred to Kela’s basic social security.
If you participate in labour market training, we can exceptionally pay you earnings-related daily allowance for the duration of the training, even if you are a full-time entrepreneur. Similarly, we can also pay the allowance if you are at imminent risk of unemployment even if you are not unemployed or temporarily laid off during your participation in labour market training.
If labour market training is delivered in separate modules so that the training periods are not continuously linked on after another, you are not considered to be in training during the periods between training periods.
Compensation for expenses
If you are receiving earnings-related daily allowance, you are also entitled to reimbursement of travel and other expenses incurred in attending an employment support service. If you are not entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance, you are not entitled to an expense allowance.
If you are studying on your own initiative, we cannot pay you an allowance for the duration of your studies unless they are on your own initiative within the meaning of the Integration Act.
If you take part in rehabilitative work activities, we can pay you an expense allowance of 9 € for the days of participation according to the plan.
Amount of expenses compensated
We can pay you an expense allowance of 9 euros per day. We can pay you an expense allowance of 18 euros per day if
you participate in a service organised outside your employment area
you participate in a service organised outside your municipality of residence in your employment area and you incur accommodation costs as a result of participating in the service
If you take part in labour market training abroad, you are entitled to 50% of the daily allowance paid to civil servants for travel expenses incurred in the country concerned to cover accommodation and other expenses during the training.
By participating in labour market training organised by the Arctic Vocational Foundation, we can pay you an expense allowance of 16,82 euros per day. Accommodation for jobseekers participating in labour market training organised by the Arctic Vocational Foundation is free of charge.
Number of days compensated
We reimburse expenses for a maximum of five days per calendar week. If you participate in labour market training abroad, we can pay reimbursement of expenses for a maximum of seven days per calendar week.
For the duration of job search coaching, career coaching and try-outs, we only pay reimbursement of expenses for the days on which the service is organised and on which you participate in the service.
Restrictions and withdrawal of compensation of expenses
We do not pay expense allowances for periods of leave for labour market training or for self-study under the Integration Act. However, we can also pay an expense allowance for a period of leave during which you are participating in work-based learning or training as part of your training.
We will stop reimbursing you from the day you stop the service. We will also stop reimbursing you if the service has been interrupted.
Your right to reimbursement of expenses depends on your entitlement to the daily allowance. If you do not receive income support, you will not receive an expense allowance.